Saturday, April 25, 2009

Castle Rock: April 2009

We were planning a quick trip to Yosemite, but a late Spring storm was delivering rain and snow. Quick regroup and we decided to head up to Castle Rock. These trips start with a power smoothie. The boy is a pro at these.

At the parking lot - weather is perfect.

A nice stroll down to the WaterFall Route, brutal trudge back up the trail to check out Chewtooth and the California Ridge. Relax in the sun for a little bit then decide to head to Castle Rock and the boulders.

John cranks one of he warm ups on the main Magoo boulder

Anisa is next

Gymboy John doesn't like the little crimpers

I have no comment about this photo

Steve fires "Mr Magoo" (and some other good problems of course)

It was a ton of fun


a said...

Nice haircut John!

Mike Bolte said...

He cuts it himself!