He still goes out when he can get away and invited us and some other neighbors to do a trip down the Middle Fork of the American over by Coloma on Father's Day 2009.

Up sort-of near the crack of dawn, breakfast, drop a car at the take-out and head up to Chile Bar. We know nothing, but Mike is a pro and his kids have been doing this all their lives. Get all the gear sorted, pump up the boat (Dex and Bobby supervising). It is a perfect day. Sunny, not too hot.

Launch the Boat, get some instructions and off we go.
Captain Mike reads the river like a book and shouts out instructions: "One forward", "Left side two back". We do what he says and slide miraculously through waves, past rocks, around underwater obstacles--some kind of zen thing between him and the river.

We had lunch after dropping through a great wave and watched other rafts and kayaks run through.

6 hours later and we're in the slower, lower river, then packing up to head home. Great day!