Swan Slab was on the climbing agenda. Bouldered a bit, then Steve headed up Penelope's Crack with Kitty belaying. Yikes! Midway up Steve comes off and pitches headfirst for a 15' fall. The last piece holds and Kitty catches hims before he hits the ground. Next try is good and he's up. Anisa, Kitty and me up next.
Steve on lead, Anisa following
Next up Kitty takes a go at leading Hanging Flake, John laybacks up behind her. We go the rest of the way up and rap down Penelope's Gully.
Everyone makes the short hike below the Lower Falls and Steve fires up the first pitch of the Jamcrack Route. Kitty follows and is lowered off, we ask Steve if we can pull the rope and he says "sure" apparently thinking we are kidding but we do! Still a ton of gear up there at the belay it turns out. No big deal! Steve re-leads, I go up as it is getting dark, clean everything and rap off the rings. The moves in the first 10 feet are the crux, then bomber jams to the ledge. Fun route.

Steve leading, Kitty following the Jamcrack route